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Plans for building work at Eastbourne church get the go ahead


The plans will see the installation of a roof top plant on the new church centre at Upperton United Reformed Church on Upperton Road. (Photo: UGC)

The plans will see the installation of a roof top plant on the new church centre at Upperton United Reformed Church on Upperton Road.

In a statement, a spokesperson for Environmental Protection said: “I can confirm that we have no adverse comments relating to noise from the air handling plant and kitchen extract units.

"The plant described is modern, efficient, well insulated and, additionally, fitted with appropriate noise attenuators.

The data provided by the manufacturers has a tolerance factor built into it as it presents the worst case scenario i.e. plant running at maximum capacity, which is never the case when the plant is in use.

“The acoustician’s calculations are correct and appropriately presented and the predicted sound emissions lie comfortably within the planning condition limits, which are levels at which we would not expect to receive any complaints.”


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